
 | تاریخ ارسال: 1398/12/22 | 

Dr. Ali Bonyadi Naeini
Associate Professor at Iran University of Science and Technology
 Dr. Ali Bonyadi Naeini is an Associate Professor at Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST). His primary research interests focus on knowledge management, customer experience, and neuro-marketing, with a particular interest in how neuroscience can be applied to improve business practices. Additionally, Dr. Bonyadi Naeini is passionate about Scientometrics, and actively engages in the study of research trends and impact. As the head of the Neuro Business Lab at IUST, Dr. Bonyadi Naeini leads cutting-edge research initiatives and industry projects aimed at bridging the gap between academic theory and real-world business applications.
Dr. Ali Bonyadi Naeini has authored and co-authored over 200 scientific articles in both national and international journals. His work has been widely published in top-tier publications, and he has contributed to the academic community through numerous books, including both original authorships and translations in his fields of research. Additionally, Dr. Bonyadi Naeini has led and contributed to numerous industrial projects, showcasing the practical impact of his research.

He is a peer reviewer for several prestigious international journals, including those published by Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, and Emerald. His expertise in these areas has made him a trusted voice in academic publishing, particularly in management, marketing, and behavioral sciences.
  1. General information                                                                            
Full name: Dr. Ali Bonyadi-Naieni
Faculty member of Business Management and Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology
Address: Iran University of Science and Technology, Hengam Street, Resalat Square, Tehran

Contact Information:
Google Scholar Ali Bonyadi Naeini
ORCID ID 0000-0003-3119-551X
Researcher ID C-8813-2017
Scopus Author ID 57189492792
University Mail
Phone Number +9821-7322-8021
Cell Phone Number +989121056721
WebSite Address
  1. Educational background
  • University degrees
PhD in Business Management, Shahid Beheshti University
  • Research Areas:
  • Knowledge Management and Customer Experience
  • Behavioral Analysis and Human Resource Management
  • Technology and Innovation Management,
  • Neuro-Marketing and Neuromarketing Research
  • Futurology
  • Scientometrics
  1. Background of university positions (2011 up to present)
  1. A member of faculty board of Management Training and Business Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology
  2. Educational deputy of School of Engineering Progress, Iran University of Science and Technology
  3. Supervisor of Management and Business Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology
  1. Background of organizational jobs (2000 – 2011)
  1. Supervisor of human resources, HOLOO accounting software company (2016-2017)
  2. Program and budget consultant of National Elites Foundation
  3. Supervisor of Program, Budget, and Administrative Transformation, Science and Technology Deputy of the Presidency (2010-2011)
  4. Consultant of SAPCO in assessment and administrative health (2010)
  5. Advisor of reconstruction center and administrative transformation of Islamic Culture and Guidance (2006-2010)
  6. Expert of performance evaluation of Raja Trains Company (2006-2010)
  7. Expert of administrative transformation of Management and Planning Organization of Iran (2000-2006)
  1. Research Background
  • ISI-ISC, Scopus, and other science-research published articles:
  • [1]        Rahmani A, Bonyadi Naeini A, Mashayekh J, Aboojafari R, Daim T, Yalcin H. Green innovation for a greener future: A meta-analysis of the impact on environmental performance. Journal of Cleaner Prodction 2024;460.
    [2]        AsleBagh P, Naeini AB, Moeeni M. Investigating the effect of three different factors including experience, personality and color on the decision-making process in stock markets using EEG. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 2024;109:102163.
    [3]        Rahmani A, Aboojafari R, Bonyadi Naeini A, Mashayekh J. Adoption of digital innovation for resource efficiency and sustainability in the metal industry. Resources Policy 2024;90:104719.
    [4]        Hajizamani Z, Naeini AB, Mashayekh J. Policy recommendations for dealing with digital currency in Iran (A comparative study). Bol Lit Oral-The Lit J 2023;10:2819–36.
    [5]        Bonyadi Naeini A, gholizadeh  hossein. Concurrent Optimization of Reliability, Maintainability and Total Cost in a Job Shop Production System with Multiple Fuzzy Parameters. Scientia Iranica, 2023;0:0–0.
    [6]        Shahebrahimi S, Mahdad M, Aliha MRM, Naeini AB. Transfer of Space Technologies in Iran: Drivers and Constraints of Success. Space Policy 2023;64:101518.
    [7]        Fattahi K, Bonyadi Naeini A, Sadjadi SJ. New applied mechanism for fair equity sharing to overcome the challenges of venture capital financing. International Journal of Industrial Engineering& Production Research 2023;34:1–18.
    [8]        Rahmani A, Mashayekh J, Aboojafari R, Bonyadi Naeini A. Determinants of households’ intention for investment in renewable energy projects. Renewable energy Energy 2023;205:823–37.
    [9]        A. Rahmani, A. Bonyadi Naeini, Predicting intention in applying solar energy technologies in agriculture industry: A moderated and mediated model, Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. (2023) 100102.
    [10]      M. Namazi, M. Tavana, E. Mohammadi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, A new strategic approach for R&D project portfolio selection using efficiency-uncertainty maps, Benchmarking An Int. J. (2023).
     [11]     E.S. Kashani, A.B. Naeini, H. Gholizadeh, Innovation systems and global value chains: A Co-citation analysis of established linkages and possible future trends, Int. J. Innov. Stud. 7 (2023) 68–86.
    [12]      K. Fattahi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, S.J. Sadjadi, New applied mechanism for fair equity sharing to overcome the challenges of venture capital financing, Int. J. Ind. Eng. Prod. Res. 34 (2023) 1–18.
    [13]      E. Allahmoradi, S. Mirzamohammadi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, A. Maleki, S. Mobayen, P. Skruch, Policy Instruments for the Improvement of Customers’ Willingness to Purchase Electric Vehicles: A Case Study in Iran, Energies. 15 (2022) 4269.
    [14]      S. Amirghodsi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, A. Makui, A dual model for selecting technology and technology transfer method using a combination of the Best-Worst Method (BWM) and goal programing, Sci. Iran. 29 (2022) 2628–2646.
    [15]      M. Bagheri Nasrabadi, A. Jaasbi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, S. Shavvalpour, Evolutionary Game Theory Approach to Technology Development of Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturing Industry: The Case of the Ten Major Commodity Groups’ Project of the Petroleum Industry, Iran. J. Manag. Stud. 15 (2022) 365–380.
    [16]      A. Bonyadi Naeini, S.H. Jalilian Ahmadkalaei, The role of dynamic capability on a business model in knowledge-intensive firms, Kybernetes. 51 (2022) 3449–3469.
    [17]      V.K. Chawla, A.K. Chanda, S. Angra, A. Bonyadi, Coexistent scheduling in the tandem flow path configuration of a flexible manufacturing system by using an advanced grey wolf optimizer, Sci. Iran. 29 (2022) 3404–3417.
    [18]      A. Naeini, M. Zamani, T. Daim, M. Sharma, H. Yalçın, Conceptual structure and perspectives on “innovation management”: A bibliometric review, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change. 185 (2022) 122052.
    [19]      M. Taghavi, P. Akhavan, R. Ahmadi, A. Naeini, Identifying Key Components in Implementation of Internet of Energy (IoE) in Iran with a Combined Approach of Meta-Synthesis and Structural Analysis: A Systematic Review, Sustainability. 14 (2022) 13180.
    [20]      M. Zamani, H. Yalcin, A.B. Naeini, G. Zeba, T.U. Daim, Developing metrics for emerging technologies: identification and assessment, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change. 176 (2022) 121456.
    [21]      A. Naeini, S.H. Jalilian Ahmadkalaei, The role of dynamic capability on a business model in knowledge-intensive firms, Kybernetes. ahead-of-print (2021).
    [22]      M. nasrabadi,  abdullah jassbi, A. Naeini, S. Shavvalpoor, Optimal government support policy for technology development Despite the challenges of conflict of interest, moral hazards, and structural problems, RAIRO - Oper. Res. 55 (2021).
    [23]      M. Taghavi, P. Akhavan, R. Ahmadi, A. Naeini, Modeling of the Internet of Energy (IOE) for Optimal Energy Management with an Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) Approach, Iran. J. Inf. Process. Manag. 36 (2021) 1049–1080.
    [24]      S. Amirghodsi, M. Mohammadi, A. Maleki, A.B. Naeini, How Does Psychological Empowerment Affect Knowledge Management Improvement in Organizations; A Study of Cause-and-Effect Relationship Using the Fuzzy DEMATEL Method, IEEE Trans. Eng. Manag. (2021) 1–14.
    [25]      A.H. Hesarsorkh, J. Ashayeri, A.B. Naeini, Pharmaceutical R&D project portfolio selection and scheduling under uncertainty: A robust possibilistic optimization approach, Comput. Ind. Eng. 155 (2021) 107114.
    [25]      S. Amirghodsi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, B. Roozbehani, An Integrated Shannon-PAF Method on Gray Numbers to Rank Technology Transfer Strategies, Eng. Manag. J. (2020) 1–22.
    [26]      S. Amirghodsi, A. Naeini, A. Makui, An Integrated Delphi-DEMATEL-ELECTRE Method on Gray Numbers to Rank Technology Providers, IEEE Trans. Eng. Manag. PP (2020) 1–17.
    [27]      S. Amirghodsi, A. Naeini, A. Makui, A Dual Model for Selecting Technology and Technology Transfer Method Using a Combination of the Best-Worst Method (BWM) and Goal Programing, Sci. Iran. (2020).
    [28]      A. Mosayebi, B. Mojaradi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, S.H. Khodadad Hosseini, Modeling and comparing data mining algorithms for prediction of recurrence of breast cancer, PLoS One. 15 (2020) e0237658.
    [29]      A. Mosayebi, B. Mojaradi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, S.H. Khodadad Hosseini, A Mathematical Model for Locating the Medical and Emergency Centers considering the Failure Probability of Centers, Math. Probl. Eng. 2020 (2020) 4167590.
    [30]      H. Sabzian, A.M. Shafia, M. Ghazanfari, A. Bonyadi Naeini, Modeling the Adoption and Diffusion of Mobile Telecommunications Technologies in Iran: A Computational Approach Based on Agent-Based Modeling and Social Network Theory, Sustainability. 12 (2020).
    [31]      J. Zamani, A. Naieni, Best Feature Extraction and Classification Algorithms for EEG Signals in Neuromarketing, Front. Biomed. Technol. (2020).
    [32]      A. Naeini, A. Mosayebi, N. Mohajerani, A hybrid model of competitive advantage based on Bourdieu capital theory and competitive intelligence using fuzzy Delphi and ISM-Gray DEMATEL (study of Iranian food industry), Int. Rev. 2019 (2019) 21–35.
    [33]      N. Yazdi, A. Jassbi, A. Maleki, A. Naeini, Comparative Conceptualisation of ‘Public Procurement for Capability Building’ (PPCB) In Relation to Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI): A Step Towards Implementation of Iranian Technology Annex, (2019).
    [34]      S. Yousefi, R. Soltani, A. Bonyadi Naeini, R. Farzipoor Saen, A robust hybrid artificial neural network double frontier data envelopment analysis approach for assessing sustainability of power plants under uncertainty, Expert Syst. Article in Press (2019).
    [35]      M.H. Aliahmadi, A. Makui, A. Bonyadi Naeini, Analyzing the effect of location, communication regime, and demographic faultline on team cohesion, Kybernetes. Article in Press (2019).
    [36]      A. Bonyadi Naeini, A. Abaee, M. Zamani, Design a business intelligence conceptual model of supply chain management in sales-based SMEs, Int. J. Logist. Syst. Manag. Article in Press (2019).
    [37]      A. Bonyadi Naeini, B. Mojaradi, A. Mosayebi, Using Q Methodology to Discuss Mental Models of Physicians Concerning Key Effective Factors of Cancer, Hrjbaq. 4 (2019) 137–144.
    [38]      A. Bonyadi Naeini, B. Mojaradi, M. Zamani, V.K. Chawla, Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases by Combining GIS and Fuzzy Best-Worst Decision-Making Algorithm in Areas of Tehran, Int. J. Ind. Eng. Prod. Res. Article in Press (2019).
    [39]      K. Fattahi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, S.J. Sadjadi, Technology valuation of NTBFs in the field of cleaner production with regard to the investors’ flexibilities and uncertainties in public policy, Sci. Iran. . Available Online from 07 April 2019 (2019).
    [40]      M. Akbari, M.R.M. Aliha, S.M.E. Keshavarz, A. Bonyadi, Effect of tool parameters on mechanical properties, temperature, and force generation during FSW, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part L J. Mater. Des. Appl. (2019).
    [41]      S. Aghaei, A. Naeini, Consumer attitudes toward new pasta products in Iran market: A qualitative and quantitative study, Manag. Sci. Lett. 8 (2018) 109–120.
    [42]      E. Ahmad Alinejad, M.S. Pishvaee, A. Bonyadi Naeini, Key success factors for logistics provider enterprises: an empirical investigation in Iran, Kybernetes. 47 (2018) 426–440.
    [43]      S. Amirghodsi, A. Bonyadi Naeini, Investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of employees with the demographic factors (case: Iranian Central Oil Fields Company (ICOFC)), Hum. Resour. Manag. Oil Ind. 9 (2018) 105–134.
    [44]      E. Chizari, A. Bonyadi Naeini, H. Nouralizadeh, A new model for Physical flow optimization in the global automotive value chain (Case study: SIBA MOTOR Company), J. Ind. Syst. Eng. 11 (2018) 34–55.
    [45]      H. Sabzian, M.A. Shafia, A. Bonyadi Naeini, G. Jandaghi, M.J. Sheikh, A Review of Agent-based Modeling (ABM) Concepts and Some of its Main Applications in Management Science, Iran. J. Manag. Stud. 11 (2018) 659–692.
    [46]      S. Nikraz, A. Bonyadi Naeini, Surveying the Relationship Between Networks of Inter-Organizational Cooperation on Innovation of Small and Medium Business, Int. Bus. Manag. 11 (2017) 1737–1743.
  1. Akbari, M., Aliha, M., Keshavarz, S., & Bonyadi, A. (2016). Effect of tool parameters on mechanical properties, temperature, and force generation during FSW. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. doi:10.1177/1464420716681591
  2. Amirghodsi, S., & Bonyadi, A. (2016). Cause and Effect Relationships between Emotional Intelligence’s Components, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction using Fuzzy DEMATEL Method: Case Study of Iranian Central Oil Fields Company. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(4 S2), 17. doi:10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n4s2p17
  3. Bonyadi Naeini, A., & Bagheri Nasrabadi, M. (2015). The investigation of relationship between brand personality and perceived quality. Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology, 3(2), 94-104.
  4. Bonyadi Naeini , A., & Farahanian , R. (2016). Dematel technique used to identify and structuring the effective factors in assessing attractions as a tourist product. Intan Management Journal(4), 56-64.
  5. Bonyadi Naeini , A., Homayouni Zadeh , M., & Hemati , M. H. (2014). The Key Success Factors for Technology Roadmapping for Emerging Technologies in Energy Sector. Arth prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management, 3(1)
  6. Bonyadi Naeini , A., & Kazempour , P. (2016). Investigating Relationship between Internet Brand Equity and Users’ Satisfaction through Integration of ISM-DEMATEL Approaches (Case Study of the Google Brand and Iranian Users). The Caspian Sea Journal, 10(1), 67-74.
  7. Bonyadi Naeini , A., Khodamoradi , S., & Sabzian , H. (2014). Comparison Of Two Goal Programming Models For Budget Allocation Problem-A Case Study. International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, 3(11), 749-754.
  8. Bonyadi Naeini , A., Mohammadian , M., & Rashidi , A. (2015). IDENTIFICATION AND PRIORITIZING EFFECTIVE FACTORS ON EFFECTIVENESS AND SUCCESS OF PROMOTION IN INSURANCE INDUSTRY (Case Study: “MA insurance Company”). Journal of Mathematics and Technology, 6(1), 51-55. doi:10.7813/jmt.2015/6-1/8
  9. Bonyadi Naeini , A., Mosayebi , A., & Hamidi , A. (2017). A study of brand identity and its impact on brand loyalty and brand equity. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Sciences, 4(3), 90-104.
  10. Bonyadi Naeini , A., Noori , J., & Fattahi , K. (2016). Developing a Management Credit Risk Model in Commercial Banks Via DEA Approach - A case of Tehran Commercial Banks in Iran. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 9(Special Issue)
  11. Bonyadi Naeini , A., Roshanpanah Azali , P., & Sepehr Tamaddoni , K. (2015). Impact of brand equity on purchase intention and development, brand preference and customer willingness to pay higher prices. Management and Administrative Sciences Review, 4(3), 616-626.
  12. Bonyadi Naeini , A., & Soheili , A. (2016). A Field Study on Education and Characteristic Role on Entrepreneurship in Development Countries (Case Study: Iran). African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management, 21(5)
  13. Bonyadi Naeini , A., & Soleimani Malekan , M. (2016). Collaborative Networks in Support of Reindustrialization in Line with the 1404 Vision Bill. African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management, 21(3).
  14. Bonyadi Naeini , A., Soleimani Malekan , M., & Kaldi , A. (2015). e-HRM initiation using concept maps. Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology, 3(2), 30-39.
  15. Bonyadi Naeini , A., Talebi , H., & Roshanpanah Azali , P. (2016). The Relationship Between Implementing The Eight Stages Of Knowledge Management (Beckman’s Model) And Organizational Strategic Realm Among Iranian Tobacco Company. Intan Management Journal(S2), 186-190.
  16. Dehghan Mashtani , M., Kamfiroozi , M. H., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2012). Development of Using Balanced Scorecard in Universities to Improve Performance: a Fuzzy DEMATEL-Shapley Value Goal Programming Approach. International Journal of Information, Security and Systems Management, 1(2), 86-94.
  17. Gholizadeh , H., Bonyadi Naeini , A., & Moeini , A. (2015). Catch-up of Technology Definition and Gap Analysis by Cluster Analysis and Quantitative Method (Meta-curve). Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology, 3(2), 362-372.
  18. Gholizadeh, H., Bonyadi Naeini , A., & Moini, A. (2015a). Proposing a model for absorption capacity of technology. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 4(1), 113-124. doi:10.14419/ijet.v4i1.4010
  19. Gholizadeh, H., Bonyadi Naeini , A., & Moini, A. (2015b). A quantitative model of technological catch-up. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 4(1), 233-243. doi:10.14419/ijet.v4i1.4203
  20. Gholizadeh , H., Moeini , A., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2015). Factors that influencing on Catch-up of technology (A case study of technology in Iran). Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology, 3(3), 45-56.
  21. Hesarsorkh, A. H., Bonyadi Naeini , A., Sadjadi , S. J., & Mohammadi , M. (2014). A production-inventory model with imperfect production process consideration: A geometric programming approach. Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology, 605-614.
  22. Kamfiroozi , M. H., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2013). A Hybrid Grey-Game-MCDM Method for ERP Selecting Based on BSC. International Journal of Management and Business Research, 3(1), 13-20.
  23. Kamfiroozi , M. H., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2014). An ERP Selection Combination Model under Uncertainty: A Grey-BSC-AHP-Entropy Model. International Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering, 3(3), 13-23.
  24. Mozafari , A., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2016). RANKING AUTOMOTIVE CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS USING CLUSTERING AND THREE PARAMETER GREY NUMBERS. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 8(3).
  25. Bonyadi Naeini, A., & Atashkar, A. R. (2016). Identify and Prioritize the Key Success Factors in the Establishment of Crowdsourced Systems. Modern Applied Science, 10(6), 105-111. doi:10.5539/mas.v10n6p105
  26. Nouralizadeh, H., Bonyadi Naeini, A. B., & Komeilian, A. (2017). Designing a Comprehensive Model for New Product Development in Iran's Home Appliance Industry using Structural Equation Approach. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(9), 2415-2422.
  27. Bonyadi Naeini, A., Shafia, M., & Samadi, H. (2016). Prioritizing lifestyles in shopping centers, using fuzzy inference system (Case study: shopping centers in Zanjan). Intan Management Journal(S2), 67-76.
  28. Bonyadi Naeini, A.., & Sohrabi, E. (2016). Investigation of Social Networking Function in the Development of Viral Marketing. Modern Applied Science, 10(6), 112-125. doi:10.5539/mas.v10n6p112
  29. Oleyaei Motlagh , S. Y., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2014). Identifying the role of human resource management in increasing performance and implementation of six sigma projects using fuzzy cognitive maps. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 2. doi:10.5267/j.uscm.2014.4.002
  31. Rashidi , A., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2014b). Survey The Effect of Relationship Marketing on Management of Customer Satisfaction. Arth prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management, 1(6), 114-121.
  32. Sadjadi , S. J., Bonyadi Naeini , A., Hamidi Hesar Sorkh , A., & Moosavi Tabatabaei , S. R. (2017). An integrated production-marketing planning model With Cubic production cost function and imperfect production process. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 10(special issue on production and inventory), 91-108.
  33. Sadjadi , S. J., Hamidi Hesarsorkh , A., Mohammadi , M., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2014) Joint pricing and production management: a geometric programming approach with consideration of cubic production cost function. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 10(79). doi:10.1007/s40092-014-0079-1
  34. Sadjadi , S. J., Hamidi Hesarsorkh , A., Mohammadi , M., & Bonyadi Naeini , A. (2014b). Optimal pricing in different markets under various customer service strategies. Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology, 452-464.
  35. Shafia , M. A., Ali Ahmadi , A. R., Bonyadi Naeini , A., & Taghavi , M. H. (2017). Technological Catch Up of Latecomer Firms in High Technology. Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET), 13(Special Issue (1)), 334-350.
  36. Shafia , M. A., Bonyadi Naeini , A., Sharifi , M., Fatahi , K., & Sabzian Papi , H. (2016). Trade Complementarity of Islamic Development Bank Group Member Countries and Development of the Counter Trade among Them. African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management, 21(4), 36-45.
  37. Ekhtiyari, M., Bonyadi Naieni, A., Rahimi, M. (2014). Determining weights of strategies and ranking strategic partners of banks (applying a multi-criteria group-combined decision-making approach). Quarterly of Disciplinary Management Studies, 622-600, (4) 9.
  38. Amini, H., Bonyadi Naieni, A, Pishvaie, M. (2015). Scenario of Petroleum and Gas industry of Iran during sanctions, based on key uncertainties and interactive analysis. Science-Research Journal of Management of Tomorrow, 85-97, (45) 13.
  39. Bonyadi Naieni, A, Ahad-zadeh Namin, M., Amini, A. (2016). Pharmaceutics by applying smart technologies and using data envelopment analysis (DEA), improved efficiency of technological innovations, and competitiveness of health and treatment management companies, 63-73, (2)
  40. Bonyadii Naieni, A., Eqbali, S. M., Ali Ahmadi, H. (2013). In-service training of university human resources and its effect on quality of vocational life and staff performance (case study: staff of  Iran Science and Technology University), Science-Research Journal of Tomorrow Management, (35) 12.
  41. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Amir-Qodsi, S. (2016). (Case study: Petroleum Company of central parts of Iran). Investigating effectiveness and susceptibility of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the staff using DEMATEL, Science and Research Journal of Tomorrow Management, 15 (Fall).
  42. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Amir-Qodsi, S., Kheibari, N. (2016). The impact of managing customer relationship on organizational performance. Perspective of Business Management, 27 (Fall), 177-193.
  43. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Izadi, N. (2016). Cultural-based strategic approach of urban life renewal. Strategic Management Studies, 27 (Fall), 19-45
  44. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Tashakori, M. (2012). Designing the competency model for NAJA managers and commanders from perspective of Imam Khomeini  and Supreme Leader, Quarterly of Supervision and Inspection, 6 (19).
  45. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Tashkori, M. (2013). Designing the competency model for NAJA managers and commanders from perspective of Nahj-al-Balagha Quarterly of Supervision and Inspection, 7 (24). 7-26.
  46. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Kamfiroozi, M. H. (2014). Determining influential and susceptible indices in collective model of competency system of Naja managers and commanders. Quarterly of Supervision and Inspection, 8 (30), 67-90.
  47.  Bonyadi Naieni,A., Kamfriroozi, M. H. (2015). The investigation of Jihad Management effect on establishing resistive economy through fuzzy vikor  method. Science-Research Journal of Tomorrow Management, 13 (44), 104-191.
  48. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Kamfiroozi, M. H. (2012). Investigating the impact of spirituality on group effectiveness indices based on Morteza Motahari’s views, Science-Research Journal of Tomorrow Management, 11(32), 105-116.
  49. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Kamfiroozi, M. H. (2013). Presenting a robust model for supplier selection in a supply chain using integrated hierarchical analytical-Bull’s eye approach and PAF rating on three-parameter gray numbers, Science-Research Journal of Tomorrow Management, 12 (34), 37-54.
  50. Bonyadi Naieni, A., Kamfiroozi, M. H. (2014). Investigation of systematic role of human factors in project success using Shapley-gray DEMATEL approach. Industrial Management Perspective (14), 27-45.
  51.  Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Kamfiroozi, M. H., Dehqan Moshtabi, M. (2014). Investigating interior marketing and branding on service quality (Case study: a service company). Journal of Marketing Management (25), 83-100.
  52. Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Namaki, S., Ftehi, M. (2014). Investigating the impact of customer perception of the brand on his loyalty mediating the perceived value by the customer: Pasargad Bank. Studies of Human Resources Management, 4 (4).
  53. Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Vali, F., Azizi, M. H., Ahsani Zadeh, S. (2016). Investigating the relationship between components of organizational learning and creating organizational effectiveness using the mediating variable of organizational innovation. Quarterly of Studies of Human Resources Management, Imam Hossein University (PBUH), 8 (3), 21-26.
  54. Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Yousefi, S., Faezi-Rad, M. (2016). Activating customers’ clusters using DEA-DA method in artificial neural network of SOM. Studies of Industrial Management, 14 (40), 165-167.
  55. Bonyadi-Naieini, A., Jalali-Naieni, S. Q., Fahima, M. (2013). Designing an adaptive model of organizational culture in elevation of personal productivity of the staff: Case study of Sepah Bank. Studies of Organizational Resources Management, 3 (2).
  56. Bonyadi-Naieini, A., Ftehi, M., Kamfiroozi, M. (2013). Effectiveness of communicative methods and strategies in cyber and electronic organizations, Studies of Strategic Management (16), 39-60.
  57. Taqavi, M., Ali-Ahmadi, A., Shafia, M. A., Akhavan, P., Bonyadi-Naieini, A., Eftekhari, H. (2017). Investigating key factors of crowdsourcing and its impact on project success (Case study: Padideye Shandiz Company). Tomorrow Management, 52 (16). 251-268.
  58. Haji-Karimi, A., Rezaian, A., Hadi-zadeh, A., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., (2011). Designing a model of competencies of human resources mangers of the state sector in Iran. Perspective of State Mangement(8), 23-43.
  59. Haji-Karimi, A., Rezaian, A., Hadi-zade-Moqadam, A., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., (2011). Investigating the impact of competencies of emotional, cognitive, and social intelligences on competency of human resources mangers of the state sector in Iran. Strategic Management Mindset, 5 (1), 223-254.
  60. Seyed-Hosseini, S. M., Eqbali, S. M., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Ghazi-Noori, S. S. (2014). The relationship between science and ethics in nano-technology. Quarterly of Ethics in Science and Technology, 9 (3).
  61. Shfia, M. A., Ali-Ahmadi, A., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Taqavi, M. (2016). Presenting a distinctive model for naturalization of technology in petro chemistry industry using multi-criteria decision making method. Science-Research Journal of Tomorrow Management, 15, 20-23.
  62.  Shakoori, Sh., Bonyadi-Naieini, A., (2015). Scenario of the future of practical soft wares in Iran using futurology approach. Quarterly of Development of Technology Management, 3 (3), 11-138.
  63. Fahima, M., Jalali-Naieini, S. Q., Bonyadi-Naieni, A. (2013). Analysis and rating organizational culture and personal productivity of the staff based on indigenous-Islamic conditions (Case study: Sepah Bank). Science-Research Journal of Tomorrow Management, 12 (37), 25-38.
  64. Qoli-zadeh, H., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Moeini, A., Mohammadi, M. (2014). Modeling the impact of identifying, absorption, and acquisition of technology on technologic leap. Quarterly of Management of Technology Development, 2(2), 110-181.
  65. Qoli-zadeh, H., Moieni, A., Bonyadi-Naieini, A., Mohammadi, M. (2015). Presenting a model for identifying dimensions and measuring absorption capacity. Case study: Iran Nano-Technology. Quarterly of Technology Development. 11 (42).
  66. Kamfiroozi, M. H., Bonyadi-Nieni, A., Mousavi-Loqman, S. A. (2013). Investigating the role of factors involved in oil-free economy in resistive economy pattern, Science-Research Quarterly of Islamic Economy, 13 (52), 59-87.
  67. Kamfiroozi, M. H., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Mehri, R. (2015). Investigating the impact of spirituality on various personal aspects through the organization, based on views of  Morteza Motahari. Science-Research Quarterly of Islamic Management, 23 (2), 67-81.
  68.  Karimi-sadr, M. R., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., (2016). Selecting business domain portfolios for an Iranian venture capital fund. Science-Research Quarterly of Innovation Management, 5 (3), 11-143.
  69. Mohammadi, A., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Fatahi, K., Sabet-Sarvestani, M. (2016). Strategic Analysis of citizens’ satisfaction with the quality of park services in Shiranz city using satisfaction multi-criteria analysis. Science-Research Journal of Tomorrow Management, 15.
  70. Noori, J., Bonyadi Naieni, A., Esmail-zadeh, M. (2016). Determining the position of Iran through the region considering knowledge-based economy according to clustering algorithm. Quarterly of Strategic and Major Policies, 4 (Special Issue of Resistive Economy), 133-155.
  71. Noori, S., Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Momeni, R. (2015). Designing and explaining the model of innovative moral competencies in executive managers. Perspective of State Management (24), 77-102.
  • A selection of post-graduate students’ thesis titles supervised by Dr. Bonyadi-Naieini:
  1. Ajoodani, D. (2014). Modeling the impact of advertisement neuro-packaging on customer loyalty and brand value in commercial atmosphere.
  2. Akbari. M. (2017). The impact of promotional posts in social media on customer absorption in durable and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG).
  3. Amir-Qodsi, S. (2014). Investigating the impact of emotional intelligence on organizational commitment of the staff using the mediating role of job satisfaction (Case study: Oil company of central regions of Iran).
  4. Amini, H. (2014). Presenting a strategy to decrease sanction aftermaths on Iran’s economy focusing on oil and gas sanctions based on scenario planning.
  5. Amini, A., (2016). Assessing efficiency of technology and innovation management at agency level using robust two-phase Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
  6. Atashkar, A. R. (2015). Identifying and prioritizing key success factors in establishing crowdsourcing systems. Case study: automobile industry.
  7. Babaie-Lashkami, M. (2014). Investigating knowledge management activities on psychological empowering of human resources in EPCO Company (engineering and supplying spare parts produced by Iran-Khodro Diesel).
  8. Baqeri-Nasr Abadi, M. (2014). Presenting a knowledge marketing model in Iranian service organizations.
  9. Beheshti-Shirazi, S. S. (2016). Investigating the impact of merchandising on consumer behavior and its analysis based on neuro-marketing
  10. Parsaie-manesh, Sh. (2014). Modeling influential factors on customer loyalty to the internet-brand of Mobinnet Communications Company.
  11. Taqi-zadeh, N. (2018). Analyzing the influential factors on successful decision making by managers from the perspective of neuro-science.
  12.  Javid-jam, M. (2015). Modeling logo impact on customers considering neuron activities of the brain
  13.  Chizari, A. (2017). Designing the model of automobile business in global value chain. Case study.
  14.  Haj-seyed-Javadi, S. H. (2016). Rating the efficiency of Iranian project-based companies considering robust DEA-based knowledge management
  15. Hosian, M. R. (2016). Predicting customer satisfaction using artificial neural networks (NNA) (case study: Asr-e-Gooyesh-Pardaz Company).
  16.  Rastegar Moqadam, D. (2018). Investigating obstacles and presenting a map to acquire solar energy technologies and their application in Iranian sustainable architecture.
  17.  Rashidi, A., (2015). Identifying and prioritizing influential factors in advertisement success (Case study: Bimeye-ma Company).
  18. Zamani, M. (2018). Prioritizing the 22 regions of Tehran city in order to prevent cardio-vascular diseases combining GIS and best word deciding algorithm (within the framework of development of health tourism).
  19.   Salem-kar, H. (2014). Developing a model for improving qualitative performance of human capital regarding the relationship among satisfaction and performance and modifying factor of self-esteem.
  20. Foolad-Taher, S. (2017). Presenting a math model for green routing-location problems by simultaneous receiving and delivering and locating collecting centers in uncertainty environment.
  21.  Soleimani-Malekan, M. (2016). Presenting a pattern to explain the role of interaction networks in industrial reviving to realize 1404-Perspective Document.
  22.  Soori, H. (2016). Presenting strategies to improve rail transportation through domestic transportation market.
  23. Sohrabi, A. (2015). The impact of social networks on expanding viral marketing- case study: IT industry in Iran.
  24.  Shakoori, Sh. (2015). Futurology of software technology: case study of Iranian accounting soft wares.
  25.  Shamsi-Gooshki, A. (2015). Investigating the procedure of due diligence in venture funds and presenting the adaptive model of Iranian newly-established knowledge-based companies.
  26. Sobhi-Afshar, A. (2015). Investigating technology spillover due to direct foreign investment in Iran telecommunication industry. Case study: Erikson Company.
  27.  Sadoogh-vanini, S. M. (2015). Designing an indigenous model for developing scientific and technological diplomacy throughout the country.
  28.  Samadi-Vik, H. (2016). The dominant Kendall decision-making style in various VALS life styles.
  29.  Talebi, H. (2017). Predicting the demand for spare parts using the integrated neural networks method and gray theory.
  30.  Adeli-Moghadam, J. (2016). Predicting staff’s longevity after retirement using artificial neural network.
  31.  Abaie, A., (2014). Designing intelligent business model for domestic supply chain (Case study: Abzar-sara Company (sales-oriented)).
  32.  Farahinian, R. A. (2015). Determining a suitable location for branding and marketing for city tourism using integrated ANP and DEMATEL (Case study: Tehran City).
  33.  Kazem-poor, P. (2016). Investigating the relationship between internet brand values and users’ satisfaction using an interpretive structural modeling approach.
  34.  Kazemian, M. (2015). Assessing the technology of natural gas liquefaction in small scale for supplying gas of distant areas.
  35.  Karimi-Sadr, M. R. (2016). Selecting industrial portfolio for Hadi-e-Andisheye Tose-ye-Fanavar (HATEF) venture capital company.
  36.  Kia-Hosseini, S. M. (2016). Investigating Kuwaiti consumers’ opposition against Iranian products.
  37.  Mandegar, M. (2015). Presenting a suitable model to enjoy major data of the web to empower technological development of economic agencies.
  38.  Tayari-Ashtiyani, M. (2017). Presenting a decision-making model for assessing suitable zones for wheat dry-farming based on system of geographical data and technique (COPRAS).
  39.  Mard-Azad Navi, P. (2015). Designing the customer journey map in automobile customer service and suggesting improvement opportunities based on analysis of the relationship between the experience of the customer and repeating the purchase (Case study: collision and comprehensive insurance of Saipa Company).
  40.  Mosayebi, A., (2016). Designing and explaining integrated model of competitiveness advantage based on Bourdieu and competitive intelligence using DEMATEL. Case study: food industry.
  41.  Mosahef-Panah, M. (2017). Benchmarking of research efficiency and nano-technology development in Iran- international comparison using Data Envelopment Analysis.
  42.  Motamedi, M. A. (2016). Conceptual modeling by gamification using viral marketing approach in selling software products. Case study: computer and sell-phone games.
  43.  Mohajerani, S. (2016). Analysis of top managers and organizations expectations of human resources (Case study: companies of Iran Khodro (IKCO)).
  44. Najar, A., (2017). Analysis of pricing behavior of Insurance companies in automobile field using signaling theory. Case study: Mellat Insurance Company. (Master degree), Progress Engineering School, Iran Science and Technology University.
  • Compilations:
  1. Ajoodani, D., Bonyadi-Naieni, A. (2015). Modeling neuro-packaging in business atmosphere through Iran. Tehran: Rashedin.
  2. Amir-Qodsi, S., Bonyadi-Naieni, A. (2017). Successful negotiation strategies: Farhoosh.
  3. Amir-Qodsi, S., Bonyadi-Naieni, A. (2016). The role of job satisfaction in relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment. Andishegan.
  4. Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Azad-Mard Navi, P., & Khalili-Yeganeh, M. (2016). customer experience management (CEM) (Vol.1): Industrial Management Organization.
  5. Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Khani, R., Roodi, K. (2013). History and organizational and structural evolution of ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance during the last century. Tehran: Culture, Art, and Communications Institute
  6. Bonyadi-Naieni, A., Soleimani Malekan, M. (2016). Industrial revival in Iran, Sharabiyani.
  7. Sadoogh, S. M., Bonyadi-Naieni, A.  (2016). Getting familiar with science and technology diplomacy. Tehran: Ayandeh Pazhooh.
  8. Hemmati, M., Bonyadi-Naieni, A. (2015). Strategies and their execution in parent companies. Tehran: Rashedin.
  9. Yarmand, M., Bonyadi-Naieni, A. (2009). Developing responsiveness in administrative system of the country. Tehran: Qalam-e-Elm.
  10.  Making a documentary in 16 volumes considering administrative transformation of ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance. Tehran: Qalam-e-Elm.
  • Translated books:
  1. Ishizaka Alessio, Nemery Philippe. Multi-criteria decision Analysis. Translators: Bonyadi-Naieni Ali and Hashemi Amin. Tehran: Iran Science and Technology University Publications, 2018.
  2. Mckeown Craig. Essentialism: The disciplined pursuit of less. Translators: Nik-Khah, Ershad and Bonyadi-Naiei, Ali. Tehran: ETKA, Center of Research and Development, 2016.
  3. Hartly Peter, Chatterton Peter. Business Communications (Rethinking your professional practice for the post digital age). Rajab Tavoosi, Omid and Bonyadi-Naieni, Ali. Tehran: ETKA, Center of Research and Development, 2015.
  • Reviewer of scientific publications and conferences:
  1. Acting as a reviewer of Industrial Management & Data System Journal in Emerald Publishing.
  2. Acting a reviewer of Applied Economics Journal in Taylor & Francis Group.
  3. Reviewer of the international Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management of Iran Science and Technology University (ISSN: 2008-4870).
  4. Reviewer of Science-Research Quarterly of Human Resources Management of Tarbiat Modares University (ISSN: 2228-6977).
  5. Reviewer of the Science-Research Quarterly of Managing Technological Development of Iranian Organization of Scientific and Industrial Studies (ISSN: 2008-5060).
  6. Reviewer of Industrial Management Studiesو Quarterly of Management and Accounting School of Alame-Tabatabaie University.
  7. Reviewer of Science-Research Quarterly of State Management of Shahid Beheshti University.
  8. Reviewer of Scientific-Promotional Journal of Technology Growth (ISSN: 1735-5486).
  9. Reviewer of the 9th international conference of Industrial Engineering.
  10.  Reviewer of the 1st conference on Islamic-Iranian pattern of progress.
  11.  Member of Policy-making Council and member and reviewer of Scientific Committee of the 1st International Conference on Brand Strategy
  12.  Reviewing projects of Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), Vice-presidency for Science and Technology.
  1. Member of scientific societies:
  1. Scientific Society of State Management
  2. Scientific Society of Technology Management
  1. Honors and appreciations
  1. Member of Iran’s National Elites Foundation. (Using facilities of military service for elites).
  2. Top researcher of Management and Accounting School of Shahid Beheshti University in 2011.
  1. Executive records of some research plans through office of university industry communications  (2012 up to now)
Plan employer Title of the research plan
Company of Consulting engineers of Vehicle (automobiles) Industries of Iran Developing the report of Iranian market studies for foreign automakers to invest (Analyzing industrial structure, business structure, diagnosis of failureof Japanese cars through Iranian market)
Ports and Maritime Organization Designing and executing indigenous model of integrating performance management system in order to monitor and operate the evaluation of performance of headquarters, ports, headquarters managers, and port mangers
Gas Transportation Company of Iran Investigating the right organizational structure and optimizing the minor system of human resources management for Gas Transportation Company
Pasargad-e-Foolad-e-Navid Company Carrying out investigations in order to present a model to improve performance of the staff using strategic approach in Pasargad-e-Foolad-e-Navid Company
SAIPA Company Providing expert services in order to increase customer satisfaction based on CEM regarding SAIPA automobile products
SAIPA Company Providing expert services in order to increase customer satisfaction based on CEM in 10 provinces applying Tiba cars in  the form of auto expo
Investigating and presenting a comprehensive customer journey of IKCO and providing CEM
Investigating and presenting the process model for executing performance evaluation and effectiveness of work teams in IKCO
Presenting  integrating model  of parameters of customers’ future expectations and their experiences with IKCO
SAIPA Company Providing expert services in order to increase satisfaction based on CEM in Tehran Province using Tiba, Tondar, and Brilliance H320 and H330 cars
Presenting a practical model of evaluating and supervising effectiveness of improvement projects resulted from customer voice in IKCO

9.Having held the following courses and workshops:
10.Having taught at universities such as Iran Science and Technology University, Khajeh Nasie-al-Din Toosi University, Khatam University, etc.
  • Organizational behavior management
  • Human resources management
  • Marketing management
  • Organizational development management
  • Research methodology
  • ...
Taught at workshops:
  • Meritocracy (several governors)
  • Performance assessment (Management and Planning Organization of the Country)
  • Administrative transformation (province administration of Islamic Culture and Guidance)
  • Organizational behavior (for nurses and head nurses at 16 hospitals in Tehran, Karaj, and Shahriyar along with accreditation of hospitals plan)
  • Interaction with customers and the staff (HOLOO accounting software company)
  • A course of supervising principles (HOLOO accounting software company)
  • Principles and techniques to negotiate with the staff (Oqaf [endowments] Organization)
  • Meritocracy (Iran Mapping Organization)
  • Neuro-marketing (National Brain-Mapping Laboratory)
Having attended workshops as audience (sample workshops):
  • “Workshop on WTO  regulations in service section and setting methods of commitment obligations” held by commercial duty authorized representative of Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) in cooperation with WTO- Tehran, 12-14 Nov. 2012
  • KM (Knowledge Management) internet training course  held by APO simultaneous with Japan, India, Thailand, and Bangladesh, coordinated by NPO, 21-23 Nov. 2011
  • 40-hour training course of an introduction to WTO at Ministry of Commerce in order to develop Iranian commercial regime to join this very organization, 27 Sep. - 31 Jan. 2011.

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